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The necessity of biodegradable plastic bags in daily life

The necessity of biodegradable plastic bags in daily life

2018-06-02 15:29:00
Everyone inevitably uses plastic bags in their daily lives, because you can't buy a bunch of potatoes at the market to hold them home with bare hands
The "blind area" of rural environmental management needs to be destroyed

The "blind area" of rural environmental management needs to be destroyed

2018-06-06 01:01:00
June 5th is World Environment Day. This year's international theme is "quick fix," and it calls on the whole world to fight with one-off plastic pollution.
Earth invites you to "defend the battle" - a century-long battle between humans and plastics

Earth invites you to "defend the battle" - a century-long battle between humans and plastics

2018-06-07 08:56:00
June 5, World Environment Day. This day is not only an important medium for the United Nations to strengthen the government’s response to environmental issues, but also reflects the people’s awareness